100 Days of Holiday Inspiration-Preparing for the Holidays-81 Days & Counting

Craft Hoarder
Hi, my name is Amy and I am a craft hoarder.
How many of you can put your name in that sentence?  I bet a lot of you can.  It's nothing to be ashamed of.  I think.  If you are like me, you hang on to everything that could be a "potential" craft project.  Oh! Don't throw out that shoe box!  I can store craft supplies in it.  Or, that's a sturdy piece of card board (out of a calendar) and I just know I can use it for SOMETHING.
Just to give you an idea, here is some of my stash.
And this is AFTER I have cleaned out.  Haha.

Here is my craft area now that has to be resorted and organized.  Any volunteers?

The reason I decided to start with this is to explain what I have been up to and how this can help you.  With the holidays approaching I like to start cleaning things out to make room for decor, guests, and the loads of junk toys that my kids will stock up on for Christmas.
My daughter has spent the weekend off with friends several times since school has started back, so I have taken those opportunities to clean out her room.  Things I know she won't miss are set aside for a yard sale, donation or hand me down to my niece.  Anything I'm not sure about goes on top of her bed and she is forced to sort through it with me before she can use her bed again.  I'm sneaky like that.
This is my fall cleaning time.  This does not mean I necessarily scrub cabinets, corners or anything chemically related.  It's my CLEAN OUT time.
This is something that if you start now, you will be well set when the hectic holiday season pounces on us out of no where.  If you will just do a little at a time you will be so surprised at the outcome.  Clear out anything you are not using and have a little yard sale, then take what you make and put it in your Christmas fund.

I started at the end of August and I have almost got everything done.  Just one room each weekend, a little here and there through the week.  My storage building is about to burst at the seams, but hopefully I will be ready for my own yard sale later this month.  The day of the yard sale I will go ahead and line up a donation pick up for the end of it.  What doesn't sell, goes.
Nothing starts your holiday out better than a clutter free home.  Save the stress for baking the turkey or the hours you will spend making gingerbread cookies with your kids.
 Finally, I'm sure you've noticed the gap in days since the last post.  Blogger and I are still trying to figure out a way to get along.  I tried again to set up advanced posts and schedule them, and several are now missing.  It's probably an operator error on my end.  None the less, I am going to try and post every day instead of doing so many at one time.  I'll catch up to the ones that are missed as soon as I can get them back together.
Last but not least, I wanted to share with you a great Ebook I found today for free.
Click this link for a free Ebook from Fave Crafts for 31 Halloween craft ideas.  It's pdf format so you can save it right to your desktop. 
If you do any crafts from the Ebook, feel free to post a link to your own blog and I will stop by to check it out!

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Until next time...
Amy~The Dixie Diva


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