100 Days of Holiday Inspiration-Kitschy Picture Frame-65 Days & Counting

What is Kitschy you may ask?  Well if you live in the dark like me I'm sure you are asking this question.  From a little "googling" I have found that the best definition for Kitschy is: tacky, lame, mismatched.  Attractive right? 

I was reading through my emails last week and came across this little blog post counting down the days to Halloween.  On day 19, there is the title Kitschy Pumpkin, linked to Cool2Craft.  (If you are not following this blog, you should.  Crafts and instructions of all kinds, it's awesome.)

Anyway the little project intrigued me.  You use a bunch of buttons, resins, broken jewelry, just any little thing you have laying around.  In the Pumpkin piece I read, she had her husband carve her out a wood pumpkin.  For some reason this turned on a light bulb in my over worked head, and I remembered purchasing some unfinished wood photo frames last year that I had never used.  Then I thought about all these resins I had been sent as a RAK (Random Act of Kindness-look for a blog on this in the upcoming month).  I had no idea what to do with them, but I wouldn't let them go.  Perfect time to use up some craft stash.

RAK'd resins and some from my current stash

Plain 5x7 picture frame
The process from here is very simple and fun.  I took 2 of the frames and painted one red for a Christmas theme and one purple.  Once they were dry, I just started hot gluing the resins in place.  For the Christmas one, I used tiny little ornaments I purchased last year (hoping to use as centers for hair bows) and just cut the strings off that they were to hang from a tree on.

That's it!  I may add a little to the Christmas one later on.  The purple one I plan to give to my niece for Christmas!

Have you ever heard of or tried Kitschy crafts?
Until next time...
Amy~The Dixie Diva


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