100 Days of Holiday Inspiration-DIY Halloween Accent Pillow-66 Days & Counting

DIY Halloween Accent Pillow Made with Scrap Fabric.
I had a completely different idea in mind when I started this project.  My first idea came from another blog I saw, making slip covers for existing accent pillows (of course I can't find that blog anywhere now and could have sworn I pinned it.) 
I started out with scrap pieces of fabric and cut various widths, 9 inches each.
Next I started lining them up on my cutting board to get a pattern.

I stitched them together length by length, 2 sets, and then stitched the widths together.

Next I folded it in half (right sides together), right on the width that I just stitched together.  I stitched the bottom, long side and half of the top side.

Clip your corners.
Grab the stuffing-mine is a polyester fiber fill.
Here is a good tip if you have never worked with this before:
Open the bag and search for this little tool.
It was hard to take a picture of the package, but it's this great little wood rod.
And then read this fantastic little tip.
I didn't read this until after the fact, and had also filled my pillow halfway before finding this beauty.  It says "for best results, separate poly fiber fill through your fingers before use".  Wish I had known this ahead of time.
Another (duh) thing to remember, once the pillow has been constructed, turn it RIGHT SIDE OUT before starting to fill it with the fiber fill.  Ding dong here started filling it while it was still wrong side out.  I believe I was a little too tired to try this!
Start stuffing it and use that tool to work the fiber fill into the corners.

Once you have it full enough it's time to close it up.  I tried to sew mine with the machine but was not successful.  I just slip stitched it closed by hand.
And that's it!  I used fabric I had on hand and purchased the fiber fill at Joann's for less than $4, plus I had a 40% off coupon. 
You can make as many of these as your heart desires and in what ever size you are willing to make.  My finished pillow was about 8" by 18", and used only half a bag of the fiber fill.  The kids love it and I plan to make more for Christmas and other holidays.  I always have scraps laying around (part of that craft hoarder side of me) that I just can't part with.
Let me know what you think!  If you decide to try this out please let me know!
Until next time...
Amy~The Dixie Diva







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