100 Days of Holiday Inspiration-Pumpkin Patch-72 Days & Counting

I hope everyone is enjoying the Halloween season so far!  Today we made our annual trip the the "Pumpkin Patch".  It's actually a local church that brings in tons and tons of beautiful pumpkins in all different sizes.  All the proceeds go towards the youth missions too, which I love.  My kids look so forward to going and then spending the day painting them.  I really don't know what gave me the idea to start painting pumpkins...we were painting them long before Pinterest was around!

I wish I had pictures of them picking out the pumpkins, but I was to busy helping them find just the right ones.  We bought 8 medium sized pumpkins, then 9 "little spookies", 4 tiny gourds and 4 minis. 

Back at home I covered the counter in newspaper and set out paper plates to place the pumpkins on.  I let both kids pick their favorite colors of acrylic paint and let their imaginations take over.

Those little bitty ones in the back I did, but my art skills are not as creative as my kids.  Check out the cupcake mini pumpkins my daughter made at the front left.

I attempted one more, a spider pumpkin.  The legs are made from pipe cleaners and they are barely stuck in the pumpkins.  I didn't want to really puncture it and take a chance on it dying to quickly.
What are your Halloween traditions?  Do you paint or decorate pumpkins other than traditional carving?
That's all for now as this Dixe Diva is tuckered out from weekend of ball games, shopping, cleaning, and of course painting. :-)
Until next time...
Amy~The Dixie Diva


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