100 Days of Holiday Inspiration-Mummy Pail-57 Days & Counting

I can't believe it's been a week since I got to post last!  I've been busy making necklaces and ornaments, getting ready for an upcoming craft fair, as well as photographing everything along the way for this blog.

Today I want to show you a really fun and easy craft that you can make together with your kids.  But, be prepared to get messy!

Mummy Pail

You need:

A Pail (this could be a beach bucket like I used, or an old paint can or extra Easter bucket you may have lying around)
Mod Podge
Paper/plastic plate
Large Google Eyes
Thin white cotton fabric or gauze

Take the white cotton fabric and hand tear it into strips.  This creates a more "mummified" texture.  Or, you can also use a roll of cotton gauze.

Take some of the Mod Podge and pour onto the plate.  Take the strips of fabric and run it through the glue.

Then start wrapping it around the pail.

You can also use an old paint brush to smooth on some of the glue and help it stay in place.

Keep wrapping around and around until you have the desired effect.  Then just add your google eyes and you are all done!

Now you have a creative centerpiece or a new Halloween Treat Bucket! 

What other creations could you make with some scrap fabric and a bucket?  Frankenstein? A bat?  Let me know what you think!

Until next time...
Amy~The Dixie Diva


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