100 Days of Holiday Inspiration-Candy Corn Wand-93 Days & Counting

Holiday Countdown 2012

100 Days of Crafts, Gifts & More
93  Days till Christmas

60  Days till Thanksgiving
38 Days till Halloween
Day 2 of Fall!  I do love this time of year, even though it doesn't seem to love me.  Anyone else battling the changing weather allergies?  Ugh!  However, I'll take it just so we can have the cooler weather.  I love getting up early in the morning and stepping outside with the need to feel all bundled up.  It may warm up some during the day, but the coolness of the morning air is very invigorating.  Who needs coffee?  Just give me good, cool, country air.
Since today is Sunday and typically our day to "rest" and get caught up for the week, I am going to share with you a link to another crafty lady's blog.  Red Couch Recipes.  Every year around this time she brings out the ever clever Zoulah to assist with her Halloween decor and scrumptious treats.
Red Couch Recipes is a very fun blog to follow along with.  She has some of the most fascinating and elegant table settings that I have ever seen, yet they are very simple to set up and affordable.  She really has a talent for decor.  Plus she makes and shares recipes of some very sweet treats fit for any occasion.
Stop by Red Couch Recipes and see her latest creation, The Candy Corn Wand.  All with the help of Zoulah of course.  Stop on by and sit a spell on her Red Couch, you will surely be entertained.


  1. Thanks for saying such nice things about my blog and my project. Following you on Pinterest. Joni


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