100 Days of Countdown Crafts

Hey everyone! I'm baaaaaccck!

After a very long summer and a somewhat routine finally in place, I hope I am back for good.  But, then again, that's where the title of my blog comes from:  That Thing Called Life. It happens!

I have been very busy getting prepared for the fall and winter seasons coming up on us so fast.  I already have lots of orders in place and I am fully booked for fall.  I absolutely love this time of year, fall especially.  Last year I was determined to start out blogging a 100 day countdown to Christmas craft list.  I think I made it 2 days in a row and became overwhelmed with school, cheer, dance, orders, a craft fair and on and on.  This year however, I'm ahead of the game.  I guess it's trial and error and we learn along the way.

What I am lining up is a 100 Days of Holidays Countdown Crafts, Gifts and More.  The title is still being tweaked but you get the picture.  I will be counting down to Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas with lots of DIY projects and ideas.  As often as possible, the blogs will feature items we  have done ourselves.  However if time is of essense I will not let you down.  I will still be showing things of interest with links of where to find tutorials. 

Sunday September 16th will mark 100 days until Christmas.  Can you believe it's coming that fast?  Follow along with me as I go through the holidays with some crafty ideas.  For now though I must go to sleep, at least once this week, before midnight.  40 hours a week at the day job plus 3-4 a night and weekends on the boutique side of things has this mama worn out.

Until next time,


Amy~The Dixie Diva


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