100 Days of Holiday Inspiration-DIY Wreath-94 Days & Counting

Holiday Countdown 2012

100 Days of Crafts, Gifts & More
94  Days till Christmas

61  Days till Thanksgiving
39  Days till Halloween
It's the first day of Fall Ya''ll! 
From the wonderful world of Pinterest I found this interesting pin about making your own wreath form.  You've probably seen it but if not, here is a link to it.
I went out to my local big box hardware store and picked up 2 of the smallest foam pipe covers for less than $1 each.
Cut them in half.
And then TAPE them together with duct tape, or like I used, electrical tape.  DO NOT try to hot glue the ends together or you'll have a hot mess like I did.  Dear hubby said I shouldn't use hot glue, but I didn't listen, and he was right.  Just don't ever tell him I said that!

And yes, Miss Bella thought it was a new play toy.
Next decide how you want to decorate them.  I had a hundred ideas running through my head but I was trying to use what I had on hand.  I actually had a beautiful leaf garland that I started wrapping around it before I formed my circle.  I didn't have quite enough to finish it, but it would be really cute completed.
You could also take the leaves off the garland or even find a package of loose leaves and glue or tack them in place.  I prefer gluing over pinning in place, just because I am always afraid a piece will come loose and some one will step on the pin.  Probably just being paranoid, but that's me!
Another option is to tie ribbon on the wreath form.  Again, I didn't have enough to complete it, but I wanted to show you some ideas.  This is using 3 yards each of black and orange ribbon.
I could have used less ribbon but I was just playing around with it to see how it looked.  Here's another option tucking the ends behind it.
There are multiple options here.  You can use tulle, ribbon to make loops, Christmas Garland, cover in ornaments, ect ect.
I have enough foam to make 4 wreaths and I will continue to experiment with them.  Hopefully I can find enough stash to decorate with without having to buy more supplies.
I would love to hear your ideas and if you have ever made one yourself so please leave me a comment and share!
Until next time...
Amy~The Dixie Diva


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