100 Days of Holidays-Teacher Gifts-6 Days & Counting

Hi, my name is Amy.  Not only am I a craft hoarder I am a procrastinator.  I "like" to do things at the last minute.

I thought this year I was on a roll with Christmas.  All of my shopping done, everything wrapped, baking and cooking supplies ready.  Then it hits me: there are 2 days left of school and I do not have any teacher gifts!!  I need 4 super quick and inexpensive gifts for these great teachers now!  Ideas are spinning through my head and I check my stash of supplies, but I don't have enough equal parts of anything.  I had fully meant to order these customizable mirrors from my great friend Laura at the Purple Alligator  (called Look It's) and now I don't have enough time (unless of course I could borrow Santa's sleigh & could go get them ;-) ).  These make wonderful gifts and she has them available in all styles.  Look for a feature on her soon, in the meantime, here is what they look like:

They even come with their own pouch that doubles as a cleaner.  Customizable with all sorts of designs she has to choose from or let her know what you are looking for and I promise you will not be disappointed!

So I am off to the drawing board.  More or less the Pinterest boards.  Here are some great ideas for Teacher gifts.


I think I am leaning towards the Candy Sleigh idea.  IF I can find any candy on sale.  Last week I bought 4 bags at CVS, they were 2 for $7 and you received a $1 Extra Care Buck Back.  I thought it was a good deal, but there were maybe 20 pieces of candy in each bag and they were the small candies.  Disappointed to say the least.
What types of teacher gifts have you been working on this year?  Handmade or store bought?  Gift cards or gift baskets?  I would love to hear from you!  I'll try and snap some pictures of what I make before I send them.
I will do my very best to pop back on with at least one more blog post before Christmas to show you our Gingerbread House extravaganza.  But just in case...
Amy~The Dixie Diva



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