100 Days of Holiday Inspiration-Candy Gift Basket-19 Days & Counting

Similar to the Hair Bow Gift Basket, I came up with this one as a gift for 3 teenagers that were very helpful to the little Mighty Might Cheerleaders, running errands and babysitting my 4 year old (that will wear out even the most energetic youth).  It's really easy to make and a great idea when you are past the toy stage and would still like to get them a gift instead of just money or a gift card (however, teenagers do love that gas money!).


Gift basket or pot
Floral foam
Duck tape

I used snack size candy bars.

Put the floral foam in the base of your basket.  I have also used flower pots before; you can paint them to match the theme of your gift or holiday.

Next I took the candy bars and used small amounts of duck tape to secure them to the skewers.

Arrange them as you desire.

And that's it!
What types of gift baskets have you made?  I'd love to hear all about them!
Until next time...
Amy~The Dixie Diva


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