100 Days of Holidays-Holiday Bucket List-53 Days & Counting

"Therefore I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, amongst the heathen and I will sing praises unto thy name." 2 Samuel 22:50

Today I am thankful for my wonderful, loving husband of 13 years (15 years together).  He supports my craft obsession, my dreams and goals to have my own business.  He also puts up with the monstrous mood swings, short temper, high strung, OCD, panic attacks, on the go and all out crazy wife and mom that I am.  I love him so very much and I don't think he realizes just how thankful I am for him.  I love you baby!

OK, today I started my very first "bucket list".  Essentially a list of "to do's" that are more like "want" to do's.  Things I want to do every holiday season and do not always get accomplished.  So I made a list this year and I am plan on sticking to it.  We'll see how it goes.  Here's what I have so far:

  1. Buy the Elf on the Shelf & Book, find unique places for it all season.
  2. Have all shopping done by December 1st.
  3. Make/Sell 10 Christmas outfits
  4. Go to McAdenville to see the Christmas lights.
  5. Finally WALK through McAdenville instead of just drive thru it.
  6. Make a gingerbread house with the kids.
  7. Read 1 Christmas book with the kids every night.
  8. Watch as many Christmas shows and movies as possible.
  9. Have Christmas Photos made early.
  10. Get Christmas cards mailed by 2nd week December.
  11. Go see Christmas House in Kings Mountain more than once.
  12. Find new places to see Christmas lights.
  13. Have a Christmas get-together.
  14. Add 1 thing to outdoor decorations.
  15. Finish painting bedroom.
  16. Get fish tank to bedroom before setting up Christmas decorations.
  17. Have shopping list ready by Black Friday.
  18. Do all Black Friday shopping online.
  19. Bake with the kids to make gifts for the neighbors.
  20. Donate coats to a women/men's shelter.
  21. Have at least 6 dresses made to try and sell at consignment shop.
  22. Have a booth at a craft fair.
  23. Put away sewing machine by December 8th.
  24. Make something for my son to wear this year.
I'm sure I'll be adding to this before it's over with!  I will post an update after Thanksgiving to let you know how things are going. 

Will you be doing a bucket list this year?  I would love to see what you would plan for your list!!

Until next time...
Amy~The Dixie Diva


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