100 Days of Holidays-Glitter Vase-50 Days & Counting

We are halfway through our countdown!  Can you believe we only have 50 days left until Christmas??  Let's get things back rolling with the next silly simple DIY craft.

How many of you have flower vases just sitting in wait, under a cabinet or in a closet?  How about any mason jars?  Have I ever told you I'm a hoarder?  I've saved every glass jar this year from jelly to pickles this year.  For this project you can use any glass container you have on hand.


Glass container/vase of your choice
DST (Double Sided Tape) or Glue
Pan/Plate to catch excess glitter

Decide on a pattern and start applying the DST.


Next step is take off the back side of the paper backing on the DST and start adding glitter.

Make sure you coat all of the exposed glue/DST thoroughly.

Take a paint brush and smooth out the glitter, filling in the gaps.  Turn and shake it to make sure all the loose glitter falls off.

Now fill it with ornaments or a candle and you have the perfect jazzed up DIY creation of your own!  Simple elegance, takes less than 10 minutes to make!

Have any projects like this that you have made?  Make sure to comment and post a link to your own blog!

I'll close up today's post with what I am thankful for of the past days I missed:

Saturday Nov 3rd
"Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving and make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms." Psalms 95:2

I am thankful for the surprise visit from 3 special cousins that we don't get to see as often.  Thankful to see them happy and doing well, even though we miss them so much.

Sunday Nov 4th
"O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good; for His mercy endureth forever." 1 Chronicles 16:34

I am ever so thankful for my babies, even though they are not babies any longer.  They amaze me every day how much they have grown, how much knowledge they have, and how much they teach me.

Monday Nov 5th
"Give thanks unto the Lord, call upon his name, make known His deeds among the people." 1 Chronicles 16:8

I am thankful for both of my parents, for always being there for me, no matter how old I am.  For all the valuable things they have taught me, for their support and always believing in me and encouraging me.  I just wish I could to spend more time with them both.

What are you thankful for today?

Until next time...
Amy~The Dixie Diva


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