Weekly Events to Come

I've spent the last 2 days writing 6 pages worth of details about my blog.  Basically where I started, where I am, and where I want to be.  But for now I've decided not to bomb my blog with incoherent babbling and just save those details for myself. :-)

What I do want to share are some new goals I have for my little blog here.  In a nutshell, I am going to be posting a new blog every weekday on certain subjects.  Hopefully this will get me a little more motivated and a little less scatterbrained when it comes to the world of reaching out there on the net waves to have my tiny little hobby/business discovered.

This is the jist of what I have in store for each day:

This will be my golden opportunity for random rants, blabbing about the crazy weekend we may have had, filling you in on the week's "to do" list, or what ever else my ecentric mind comes up with.  Monday's are just that: Manic.  So why not make the best of it?

I have well over 500 pins on my Pinterest boards,  one board which is "My Version".  It seems to be lacking a bit which tells me I spend more time "pinning" than what I should be "doing".  Each week I will pick something I found on Pinterest and try it out, then show you my results/mishaps.

I really couldn't decide on a definite title for this one.  I have a lot of patterns I have purchased online, and I've already posted some reviews on this blog.  I would like to continue to do that, showing the love to their authors, as well as add in some additional items and other blogs.

Thursdays: STASH BASH
Inspired by another crafty mom over at Crunchy Catholic Momma.  This is the opportunity to start getting creative with supplies you have on hand and use up some of those items you just don't know quite what to do with.

You'll have to bear with me as I delve in to this one.  I have a few tutorials of my own to share, but I also want to link up to some other great tute's I've found out there in cyber space. 

Ok, that's it for now!  I'm starting this coming Monday so please stop back by and stay a while.  I'll be brainstorming more this weekend but I already have lots of great plans in store. 
Until then...



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