Homemade Pizza Rolls

I am addicted to Pinterest.  Love, love, love it.  If you have never visited the site I give you one warning: don't until you have at least half a day to spend on it!  It's a place to store all your "favorites" by photo.  And you can see what everyone else is "pinning" about as well.  Moving on.

I found a quick snack/lunch to try out with the kids this weekend and I wanted to share with you my version.  It's homemade pizza rolls which are made very similar to pigs-in-a-blanket.  Here's what you need:

Cresent rolls
Mozerella String Chees
Pepperoni slices
Garlic Salt/Powder

Preheat oven to 375

Spray a pan with cooking spray or use parchment paper (my new best friend in the kitchen!)

Melt a little butter coated with some of the garlic.

Next, roll out your crescent rolls and start adding your pepperoni slices and half a stick of string cheese.

Next, start rolling up and coating with the butter as you roll.

Finish rolling and coating.  Bake for approx 15 minutes and let cool.

I made a couple of pigs in the blanket as well, just in case they didn't like the pizza rolls.  It wasn't neccessary...they devoured them!  You can eat as they are or dip in some pizza or marinara sauce.  These were really good and I think we might even make more today.  Super quick and easy, plus a hit with my kids.  Its a win-win!

This is officially the first idea I have tried from pinterest and I can't wait to try more.  What about you?  Are you additicted to Pinterest?  If so, what have you made from an idea sparked from Pinterest?  If not, let me know your email and I will send you an invite.

This post was inspired by a very crafty and hip mom, Morgan, over at Miss Priss.  I love her blogs about life, family and crafts.  She is very inspiring and reminds me that I am not alone with the challenges we face as a mothers.  Stop by and check out her blog and follow her on Pinterest.



  1. Bought my first every pack of crescent rolls today, intending to use them to make Strawberry Cream Cheese Rolls for Sunday brunch (also inspired by pinterest!) but having arrived here via Morgans blog I am now wondering if I ought to do this instead! Argh, the choices!

  2. These are so good, we have made them twice since I posted this blog! I think the only thing better would be dipping them in a pizza or marinara sauce. I'm sure I can find a receipe on Pinterest! I'm so glad Morgan suggested the Pinterest party, I love her blogs. I hope you give these a try and let me know what you think!
    Amy~Dixie Diva


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