Organized Home: Spring Cleaning

This week we welcome spring! Depending on where you live, that may sound like a joke. We had spring like weather this weekend, but this week we will drop back to freezing temps at night, and not much better during the day. I think spring did a little too much springing forward last weekend. 😏 However, our spring break is coming up soon and what better time to do some spring cleaning? For those of you that do not get a "spring break", have no fear: I have a plan for you as well. Trying to make that spring cleaning list can seem so endless that you don't know where to begin, or if you even want to. I always make a list that is unrealistic. Like there is no way I can do everything possible on my list, and it just stays a list for months and months, until I finally give up and throw it away. Not this year. I have decided to simplify my list. Well, simplify it after I have made that big, long, never-going-to-get-it-all-done-list....