Back to Blogging--Getting Organized

Hello my lovelies!

I cannot believe how long it has been since I posted a craft blog update!  In my defense, as a mom of three and a full time student, my studies started to take priority.  I am excited to say that by the summer of 2019 I will officially hold a bachelor's degree!  Woo hoo! So far, all of this with honors.  Pray for me that I graduate with honors!

Anyway, my slacker tail hasn't been around here as much.  I noticed some emails requesting a copy of a chore chart I did during an organizing blog I posted.  You can find the post here. The computer that the copy was on died on me, and I kept meaning to create a new one and yadda yadda.  Please refer to the title of my blog as it is "That Thing Called Life", and believe me, it happens.  Tonight I finally completed the new chart and emailed to all who had requested it.  As I am looking at my stats I pull up that particular post and HOLY COW! I have had almost 12,000 views! Okay, so I realize for some bloggers that might be small potatoes, but for this little country hippie, it's totally awesome!

I'm writing this tonight to let you all know that I am still here and still crafting away!  Most of my big projects happen over class breaks, and I have tried my best to stay off the computer when I'm out of school.  It seems like every night when my family is home, I'm eyeball deep in an exam, project, paper or yucky math homework.  So I do try to spend more time with them when I can, instead of a screen.

However, my schedule is changing up some and I am allowing myself the time to blog again, without taking away from family time!  Here is a list of some upcoming blogs I am already putting together:

  1. How to make a toddler/child's dress from an adult t-shirt
  2.  Traveler's Notebook/Planners--What they are and what to do with one
  3.  Happy Planners Anonymous
  4. Spring Cleaning Check List
  5. Planning an Organized Home Part 2
  6. Snail Mail Pen Pal Fun
  7. Essential Oils Experience
These are just the tip of the iceberg!  I am using my super nifty Traveler's Notebook to organize my crafts, projects and blogging.  I cannot wait to show everyone all of these things!  

Until next time,

Amy~The Dixie Diva


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