Happy New Year!

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years! We had a great one, despite half my family being sick.   So ready to start a fresh new year with everyone healthy!

Okay, anyone make New Years resolutions? I have been compiling several bucket lists but no resolutions.  Just things I would like to accomplish wih myself, family, home and my craft business. 

I wanted to start the new year out with a brief post to let you know what I am going to be working on over the next few weeks.  My daughter's birthday is 5 weeks away and I am planning a Willy Wonka party for her.  Last year she had a great sleepover that I blogged about and I was able to do so fairly cheap.  I hope to do the same this year and will be blogging as I go.

That's it for now! I am trying out my new tablet for this post and its not the best.  There is no spell corrrect or I haven't figured it out...and this touch screen is not cooperating with my fast typing!!

What are your crafty plans for the upcoming year?

Unitl next time...

Amy-The Dixie Diva


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