That Thing Called Life...Setbacks

Hi everyone!
I hope you are all having a great start to the summer.  I'm very sorry for the long pause between posts, but our family has had a lot going on and I've needed to put my focus on my family first.  I wanted to write a quick post to update you all on what has been going on the past few weeks.

1st-Trying to prepare for a craft fair
2nd-Last 2 weeks of school for my daughter were slam packed with field trips, awards, field day, beach blast day, ect, ect.
3rd-Dance-extra practices, photos, recital practice and the big recital
4th-We had a total of 4 kittens to die and found in our front yard.  A neighbor's dog got out of his kennel and from what we can tell, just wanted to play with them-but it was a 100+ pound rott.
5th-My son was ATTACKED by a cat.
6th-My daughter's lab work came back and shows that she is borderline diabetic, and has to go back for additional testing.

It felt like we had more drama going on around here than one story line of a daytime soap opera could pack in to a week.  Right now I am trying to focus my extra time on gaining more knowledge about diabetes.  It runs in my family so I do know some, but not near enough.  We know for now that even if my daughter stays on a borderline level we will still have to make changes to diet and add exercise to our daily routine.

Okay, so that's all I'm going in to for now.  I've got a lot planned and more poor little brain is on over load with everything that is going on.  I haven't even been on Pinterest to browse around lately!  I do have more crafty ideas I'm working on and I promise to be back as soon as I can.  Our next round of testing is on the 22nd and then we wait for results.  So if I'm not around before then I wanted everyone to know why.  I've not disappeared into cyber space!

Until next time...


Amy~The Dixie Diva


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