Happy 2015!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years!  Are we ready to tackle the new year with some new projects?  I hope this is my year to get my groove and get some crafty things accomplished.  This past year, I did take a lot of photos of different projects, I just wasn't able to get blogs updated with them.  After the birth of my daughter and loss of my job, my world was flipped upside down to say the least.  I decided to go back to school and that took up a lot of my time. 

Thankfully the craft bug got me right before Christmas and I started some new projects.  I had a friend ask if I cold make boot cuffs and I had no clue.  Of course I said I would try to figure them out.  And I did.  I will post on that at a later date.  For now, I wanted to check in and tell you all Hi from the dirty south and wish you all a wonderful New Year!

Until next time,

Amy~The Dixie Diva


  1. Hi Lady! I wannaaaa seeeeee! My little one has been wanting some!....The crafting projects were flying crazy right before Christmas as well. I got this bright idea to make all my inlaw's gifts for Christmas this past year. I really put a lot of heart into it and it went over well I think but I didn't get no where near as much done as I wanted. I'm thinking if I get started now I might be ready for the next Christmas! Hope all is well! :)

  2. Hey love! I have to get the pattern put together and upload some pictures soon. I am trying to alter it for leg warmers as well as boot cuffs. Plus the Alice in Wonderland Birthday party tutorial soon!


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